208 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 14th March 1922.] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 6th & 10th inst. & Finance Committee Meeting held on 6th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate v Preston N. E. Res. on 11th inst. was reported to be £131.14.3 gross Tax £32.17.5. The Bank Balance was £3066.2.10 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Bradford City 1-3, P.N.E. Res. 2-1 & Prescot 3-3. Trainers Report Trainer Elliott reported the following players unfit viz. Brewster, Downs, Stansfield, Moffat & Fazackerley. Team Selection The following team was selected v Tottenham Hotspur (h) 15th inst. Fern Macdonald Weller Peacock Fleetwood Hart Chedgzoy Spencer Chadwick Crossley Harrison Res. Livingstone. Reports re Players Mr. W. J. Sawyer reported that this player had Davison (Durham) not shewn too promising form, but should be seen again. Finney (New Brighton) Mr. J. Fare gave a very favorable report on this player. Reid J. (do) Also that this player shewed decent form although his tackling was rather weak. Chesterfield Players Also that none of these players were good enough except Fisher (O. R.) who had displayed good form. Evans (Odyssey) Mr. W. Green reported unfavorably re this player