
			[Special Meeting of Directors
			held at Bradford Hotel Liverpool
			on Friday 3rd March 1922]

		Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
			& all other Directors except Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Jamieson		Mr. J. Fare gave a very good report
(Broxburn)	on this player & it was agreed that the
		Chairman, Mr. J. Fare & Secy. watch him again
		on Sat. next & if satisfied they be given full
		powers to negotiate for his transfer.

Allan (Broxburn)	Mr. J. Fare reported that in his opinion
Cant (E. Fife)	these players were not of required standard
		for us.

Cresswell		Secy. reported that this player
(S. Shields)	was on transfer list & it was decided
		to make an offer of £3000 for his transfer.

Flood (Hull City)	Secy. reported on an interview with
		the Secy. of Hull City F.C. & it was decided
		that Messrs C. E. Dickinson & W. J. Sawyer watch
		him play on Sat. next against Leicester City.

Ireland v Scotland	It was decided that Mr. H. Makepeace
(Junior International) proceed to Belfast to watch this match
		& report.

					6/3/1922 A. Coffey
