198 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on Monday 27th Feby. 1922] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors except Dr. J. C. Baxter. Minutes The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee meetings held on the 21st inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v Derby County Res. on 25th inst. were £117.12.2 Tax £29.7.5. Bank Balance £3453.12.8 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Tottenham Hotspur 0-2, Derby County Res. 4-1, K. L. Allan & Co. 3-1 & L'pool University 5-3. Trainers Report Trainer Elliott reported the following players unfit viz. Smith, Moffat & Fare & that Leddy had commenced training & would be fit in a fortnights time - He also reported that Fazackerley had neglected to attend for training today after being warned in London on the previous Saturday - The Secy. to inform him was instructed to appear before the Board after match on Wednesday. Team Selections The following teams were selected v M'bro (h) 1st Mar. Fern Downs Macdonald Peacock Fleetwood Hart Jones Spencer Irvine Crossley Harrison Res. Brewster v Derby Cty. Res. (a) Salt, Caddick, Weller, Brown, Reid, Grenyer, Parry, Miller, Chadwick, Wall, Alford. Res. Garrett