196 Chadwick Mr. W. J. Sawyer & Secy. reported that this player had been signed on at £5 per week & £1 extra after 12 months service up to end of Season 1922-3 at a transfer fee of £350 & also a match at Rossendale on Apl. 22nd. Action confirmed. Hardy (Stockport C.) The secy. reported that these Clubs were Branston (Rotherham C.) asking over £2000 for these Players and it was decided to take no action. Reports re Players Messrs A. Coffey & W. J. Sawyer reported that Carmichael (Grimsby) in their opinion this player was not worth anything like the price it was reported they were reputed to be asking for him. Miller (Leyland) Secy. again reported favorably on this player & it was decided he be seen again next Saturday. Jackson (Vale of Leven) Mr. J. Craig again reported favorably on this player & stated he was trying to get to know what fee club would require. He also wrote favorably of Sneddon & Davies (Backs) of Queens Park and mentioned that Ayr United were likely to part with Smith (Back). Craig (Goalkeeper) Secy. reported a conversation he had Plymouth Argyle with Secy. of Plymouth Argyle offering us refusal of this goalkeeper for £2000 & a match at Plymouth. Decided to take no action. Re-arranged Match The Secy. reported that the League had ordered our match v Tottenham Hotspur on 22nd inst. to be cancelled & that he had re-arranged same for 15th March. Action confirmed. International Trial Secy. reported that Harrison had been selected to play in this match on 22nd inst