
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park Liverpool on
			Tuesday 21st Feby. 1922]

		Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors.

Minutes			The Minutes of Directors meeting held on the
		14th & Finance Committee meeting held on the
		17th inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The gate receipts v Ormskirk D. S. & S. were
		reported to be £18.18.9 gross Tax £3.19.3
			The 20% from Aston Villa was £172.19.8
		& from M'bro £141.15.11.
			The Bank Balance was £3240.6.7 Dr.

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		L'pool Res. 3-2 & Ormskirk D. S. & S. 1-2.

Trainer's Report	Trainer Elliott reported the following
		players unfit Leddy Moffat & Smith & that Macdonald
		would be fit in another weeks time.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected.
		v Tottenham Hotspur (a) 25th inst.
			Downs		Livingstone
		Peacock		Fleetwood	Hart
		Chedgzoy  Fazackerley  Irvine  Crossley	Harrison
		Res. Brewster.
		v Derby Cty. Res. (h)
			Caddick		Weller
		Brown		Reid		Grenyer
		Jones	Spencer	  Chadwick   Wall   Alford
		Res. Garrett.
		Team v K. L. Allan & Co. & L'pool University
			Left to staff.