
				[Meeting of Directors held at
				Goodison Park Liverpool on
				Tuesday 7th Feby. 1922]

		Present	Mr. E. Green (Chair)
		Messrs H. Banks, C. E. Dickinson, W. J. Sawyer, A. R. Wade
		& W. C. Gibbins.

Minutes			The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee
		meeting held on the 31st ult. & 3rd inst. were read
		& confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported
		Jany. 30th Gate L'pool Taxis v M/c Taxes net £20.5.8 Tax £10.15.5
		Feby. 1st  do Northern Nomads v Bangor U. do £30.8.11 "  £16.15.0
		 "    4th  do v M'bro gross £791.3.2 Tax £168.19.3 20% £107.3.9
			Bank Balance £3461.12.10 Dr.
		Cheques were signed for the following:-
		L'pool City Police	Police Services	 £20.12. 6
		 do Taxes F.C.		     Net Gate	  £9.10. 3
		Middlesbro F.C.			20%	£107. 3. 9
		collector of Customs & Excise   Tax	£196. 9. 8
		T. H. McIntosh		   Wages & Exs.	£380. 0. 0
		Northern Nomads F.C.	      Net Gate	 £13.13.11

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		M'bro (abandoned) 1-0, Sheffield U. Res. 2-0 & Eastham 1-2.

Trainer's Report	Trainer Elliott reported all players fit
		except Leddy, Macdonald, Moffat, Smith.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Aston Villa (a) 8th Feb.
			Same as against M'bro
		v M'bro (a) 11th Feb.
			Same as against Aston Villa except in
		case of accidents or individual bad play, but Directors
		present at match to decide whether it was necessary