181 Vacant date Secy. reported that we had a vacant Feby. 18th date at home owing to Tottenham Hotspur being engaged in F.A. Cup. It was therefore agreed to ask Derby County to play their C. L. match on a Wednesday & to arrange to play C. L. match v Liverpool on that date. In the event of the former not agreeing it was decided to play the two C. L. match on 18th inst. Weller Letter read from the Chesterfield F.C. that they were considering the question of this player's engagement. St. Dunstans In response to an appeal, it was agreed to allow a collection on the ground in aid of the Footballers Fund for St. Dunstans. Barracking The question of the barracking of our players was brought forward & the Secy. was instructed to make arrangements with the Police for plain clothes men to be on duty at next match to take steps to remove the offenders & possibly prosecute them. Hospital Saturday) An application for us to play a match Fund) at the close of the Season in aid of this Fund was deferred. Players on Transfer Lists of Players on transfer were read & no action taken. A. Perry Letter read from this player asking for permission to live a further month in Sheffield. Decided to inform him that if he did not arrange to come here at once he would be suspended. Letting of Ground Mr. W. C. Gibbin's proposition not to let the ground for any matches after the 6th May was carried.