14 Team Selections The following teams were selected v Wolverhampton Wanderers (E. C. h) 5th inst. Fern Downs Macdonald Fleetwood Brewster Weller Chedgzoy Fazackerley Davies Crossley Harrison Res. Reid. v Stalybridge Celtic (a) 5th inst. Salt Fare Thompson Brown Garrett Grenyer Jones Wall Moffat Clennell Alford Res. Robinson. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Wednesday 9th inst. at 5.30 pm. Confirmed E. Green Chairman [Meeting of Directors held on Saturday 5th March 1921 at Goodison Park] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) The following team was selected & all other Directors v Manchester United (h) 9th inst. except Dr. Baxter Fern Macdonald Thompson Fleetwood Brewster Grenyer Chedgzoy Fazackerley Davies Crossley Harrison Res. Weller. Confirmed E. Green Chairman