
		first refusal of Cresswell should they decide
		to part. Woods had been transferred to N'cle
		United two days previously.

Trainer's Report	Trainer Elliott reported all players fit
		except Macdonald, Moffat, Brown & Smith.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Chelsea (a) 28th inst.

			Downs		Livingstone
		  Peacock	Leddy		Hart
		Chedgzoy Fazackerley Irvine Crossley Harrison
		Res. Brown

		v Burnley Res. (a) 28th inst.

			Caddick		Weller
		  Jeffes	Brewster 	Reid
		Jones Spencer McGivney Wall Alford
		Res. Grenyer

		v Wigan Boro Res. (h)
			left to Staff.

Garrett			This player was granted leave of
		absence for one week owing to death of his brother.

Reports re Players	Secy. reported that in his opinion
Davison & Cousens (Durham City) neither of these players were of service to us.

Stockport County	He also reported favorably on Jones
		(O.L.) & also that Richardson (F.B.) of Stockport County
		had played a useful game.

Parker (Shrewsbury)	Mr. J. Fare reported that this man was a
		useful player, but that his age (26) was against
		him being of use to us.

McCluggage		He also reported that after seeing this
(Cliftonville) player again. He was of opinion he would not
		be suitable for us.

Bowen & Capewell	He also reported that these players were