
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park Liverpool on
			Wednesday 25th January 1922]

		Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair), Messrs H. Banks, W. J. Sawyer,
		E. Green, C. E. Dickinson, W. C. Gibbins & A. R. Wade.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 17th
		inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported:-
		Jany. 21 Gate v Aston Villa Gross £1878.7.1 Tax £399.16.0
			& 20% to Aston Villa £224.8.5.
		do Share of Gate v N. Ashton		£2. 2. 0
		The 20% from Bolton Wanderers was £129.11.6
			Bank Balance £3134.5.6 Dr.

		Cheques were signed for the following 
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts. Tax	399.16.0
		Aston Villa F. C.		20%		224.8.5
		T. H. McIntosh			Wages & Exs.	400.0.0
		L'pool City Police		Police Services	22.1.0

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Aston Villa 3-2 & N. Ashton 6-2.

C. L. Match v Burnley	Secy. reported that owing to bad state
		of ground this match fixed for 21st inst. had been
		postponed & he had arranged for same to
		be played on 28th inst. Action confirmed.

League match v		This match fixed for 28th inst. had
Aston Villa 	been postponed on account of Aston Villa being
		engaged in F. A. Cup. It was decided to agree
		to the date suggested by Aston Villa viz. Feby. 8th
		for this match to be played.

Woods & Cresswell	Secy. reported on his visit to S. Shields &
(S. Shields)	his interview with several of the Directors in
		which they stated they would let us have