163 v Burscough Rangers selection left to staff. Reports re Players Mr. J. McGill reported favorably on Chadwick Chadwick (Eccles) R. B. of Eccles United. Davison (Durham City) Mr. W. J. Sawyer reported very favorably on Davison (C. H.) of Durham City & it was decided to write the club asking what transfer for they would require. Mort (Rochdale) Secy. stated that Mr. J. Fare had reported to him that this player was of as use to us but that Crilley (F. B. of H'pool) had shown decent form. Eastham F. C. An application from this club for us to send our A team to play them a benefit match for two injured players, on Feby. 4th was agreed to. Leave of Absence Leave of absence was granted to Irvine & Alford until Thursday & Livingstone until Friday next week. McIntyre (Wed.) It was decided to offer £2000 for the transfer of this players & it was left in hands of Mr. Cuff & Secy. to arrange with powers to add one or two hundred extra if necessary. Brown (Clyde) Secy. was instructed to ask the price required for this player. Hart (Airdrie) It was decided to write this club that owing to pressure of work re Cup tie, it was not possible to get it to resume negotiations re this player until next week. F. A. Cup Final It was agreed to apply for 50 £1.1.0 guinea tickets for this match. J. T. Robson A letter was read from this gentleman asking if we would assist in his benefit match if necessary & it was agreed to do so. Alterations to} The discussion of proposed alterations F. A. Rules} to rules was deferred to a later meeting.