160 Director to Bolton Mr E. Green. do to Leeds " W. C. Gibbins. Players to watch Mr J. Fare to proceed to W. Hartlepool to watch Mort (Rochdale) & Thoms & Crilley (H'pools U.) Mr. W. J. Sawyer to watch Davison (Durham C.) " J. McGill to watch Miller & Munday of Leyland. Office & Boardroom The question of providing electric Fires fires & also attending to the chimneys was left in hands of Ground Committee to obtain estimates & report at next meeting. Lancashire Mr. W. C. Cuff reported the proposed Midweek League formation of this League had fallen through for this season. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday 3rd prox. at 6.30 pm. Confirmed 3/1/1922 A. Coffey Chairman