12 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Tuesday 1st March 1921] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " W. J. Sawyer Mr. E. Green " H. Banks " W. R. Clayton Dr. J. C. Baxter " R. T. Francis Mr. J. G. Davies " W. C. Gibbins. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v Stalybridge Celtic on 26th ult. were reported to be £81.2.0 gross. Enterts. Tax £20.5.6. Half Gate received from Prescot was £5.1.10 & from Skelmersdale £8.10.9. The Bank Balance was reported to be £6551.11.9 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Chelsea (a) 1-0, Stalybridge Celtic (h) 1-0 & Skelmersdale (a) 1-3. Trainers Report Trainer Elliott reported all men fit. McEachrane The Chairman & Mr. E. Green reported that this player was of no use to us. Scottish Players Mr. J. Craigs report on several Scottish players was read. C. P. O. S. Mr. J. Fare reported that the full back of C. P. O. S. was of no use to us. Wood (Huddersfield) The Secy. reported there was a likelihood of this player being transferred & Mr. Gibbins reported favorably on his play against Liverpool - Decided Secy. make enquiries as to fee required.