151 Bacup v New Brighton Mr. A. R. Wade reported favorably on Walker (Goal) & Walker (sack) of Bacup & J. Reid (C. H.) & Lyons (C. F.) of New Brighton. Decided they be seen again. Chedgzoy This player was granted leave of absence until Wednesday next. Harrison This player applied for permission to stay at Gresley owing to his wife’s illness. It was agreed to allow him to stay each week after match until Wed. night {ac} for the present. A Teams League The Secy. was instructed to attend a meeting to form an A teams Wed. League at Blackburn on the 14th inst. Bootle Hospital Fund The Linacre Gas Works F. C. having written asking for match with our A team for these funds about Xmas or New Year, it was decided to ask them to apply later on. Removal of Refuse The Secy. was instructed to enquire as to why we were charged for removing refuse. A. Livingstone It was decided that this player be not signed on as professional. Players to watch Mr. W. C. Cuff to watch Walkers Bacup Mr. C. E. Dickinson do J. Reid & Lyons New Brighton Mr. E. Green do Green & Fryer Fleetwood " J. Craig do Cant E. Fife " J. Fare do Roe (Castleford) Secy. do Corfe Garston O. B. Secy. was instructed to make enquiries of the clubs concerned if they were prepared to part with Ferguson (Motherwell), Walker (St. Mirren) & Jenning's (Raith Rovers). Increase of Wages Mr. E Green gave notice of motion to bring forward of next meeting the question of increasing certain players wages