150 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on Monday 12th Decr. 1921] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Minutes The Minutes of the Directors & Finance Committee Meetings held on the 6th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The Gate receipts v W. Bromwich Albion Res. on 10th inst. were reported to be £56.4.10 gross Tax £14.0.7 Bank Balance £6350.9.6 Dr. Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported all players fit except Moffat Weller Macdonald & Smith. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v W. Bromwich Albion 1-1, W. Bromwich Res. 1-1 & Garston Gas Works 0-1. Reports re Players Mr. W. J. Sawyer reported favorably on this Knox (Airdrie) player & it was decided to ask lowest price they would take for his transfer. Cook (B. P. Auckland) Secy. reported that the Club would not give him permission to approach the player. Maddison (Birtley) Secy. reported that as this Goalkeeper had so little to do he could not express a definite opinion. Decided he see him again. Corfe (Garston O. B.) Mr. W. Green reported very favorably on this player & it was decided Secy. watch him play again next Saturday. Roberts (Dykehead) Mr. J. Craig reported that this player had shown decent form but his character was bad. Decided to take no further action.