141 Electric Treatment It was decided to purchase a thermolite lamp for use in training quarters. Players to watch It was decided to watch the following Secy. to watch Lancaster v Barrow E.C.replay Mr. J. Fare do Chester v Crewe Alex do Secy. do Tranmere Rovers v Altrincham do Mr. E. Green to watch goalkeeper & right back of the Birtley (Northern Alliance) Team. " J. McGill to watch Chambers (R. H) of Presley Rovers " A. R. Wade to watch Inter County match at Tranmere Messrs T. Fare & Secy to watch Chambers of Lincoln City Team Selections The following teams were selected v Cardiff City (h) 26th inst. Fern Downs Macdonald Fleetwood Brewster Grenyer Chedgzoy Wall Fazackerley Reid Harrison Res Davies. v Stoke Res (a) Salt Livingstone Weller Brown Leddy Peacock Jones Irvine Moffat Young Alford Res Fare. v St. Helens Junction left to the Staff Director to Stoke Mr. H. Banks Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday 29th inst at 6.30 pm Confirmed 29/11/1921 A. Coffey Chairman.