128 Scottish League The deputation consisting of Messrs Sawyer v Irish League Dickinson, Fare & Kirkwood reported that none of the Irish Players were up to the required standard for us, but that Muirhead (Rangers) & Ferguson (Motherwell) had player well. Blackburn Thurs League. Messrs Banks & Secy. reported on this v Preston do match & stated that only Walne (O. R.), Blackburn showed promise & that we were in touch with him as to playing a trial. Bickerstaff Mr. J. Craig reported that this (Arthurlie) player was act of the required standard. Halesowen F. C. Letter read from this club asking our intentions re Page. Decided to reply that we could not consider the player at the price mentioned viz. £600. Wedding Present It was decided to apply to the League for permission to make J. McGrae a present in kind up to £5. A. E. Smith Secy. reported an interview he had had with this player re accepting a sum to cancel his agreement. The Player had stated he would think the matter over & let us know. Wood Secy. reported that the Club were (Huddersfield T.) likely to part with this player & it was agreed to ask amount of transfer fee required. Everton v L'pool It was agreed to grant the L'pool Club 30 tickets for Directors Box & 50 for Stands for players for match on our ground on 5th inst. Everton v L'pool It was decided to endeavour to C. L. match re arrange our match fixed for 12th inst. to be played on wed 16th inst., but to suggest that the match take place at L'pool on that date & 7th Jany. on our ground, both gates to be pooled.