126 {Special Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on Friday 28th Octr. 1921.} Present Mr. A. Coffey (chair) & all other Directors. Bradford City The Secy. reported a conversation he had had with Mr. Walsh of this club as to the possibility of an exchange of their goalkeeper Wilkinson for our player Leddy. & that he would be at our match v Oldham Ath. Res. The chairman was empowered to negotiate on the basis of a straight exchange of the two players. Boyman They secy. reported that this player (Aston Villa) was on offer at £2000, but it was decided to take no action. Players to watch It was decided that Mr. J. Fare watch Mackie (Forth River) instead of Page (Halesowen). Confirmed. 1/11/1921 A. Coffey. Chairman.