123 to obtain his transfer at a fee up to £300. He also reported that Morris (I. L) was a good player but on the light side. Adlington Mr. H. Makepeace reported that this (Maltby Victoria) player had not played too well last Saty. but suggested he be seen a little later on. Ireland v England Mr. E. Green gave a report on this match. Solway Star v Arthurlie Mr. J. Craig gave a report on this match & suggested that Bickerstaff (C. F) of Arthurlie be seen again. Grenyer The Secy. reported that Mr. J. Howie of M'bro had watched this player on Sat. last. Llanelly F. C. Letter read from this club offering guarantee of £75 or half gross gate over £150 for proposed match at Llanelly. It was decided that this offer could not be accepted. Osborne It was decided that H. Makepeace (R. A. M. C.) watch this player at Colchester on Thursday and afterwards approach him re signing forms. R. L. Baron It was agreed that Mr. H. Banks & Secy. (Blackburn Thurs. League) watch this fall back at Preston on Thursday next. L'pool County Cup The application of the L'pool County F. A. on our ground for the final of their challenge cup ^ on Easter Monday morning was granted. P. Murphy It was decided to grand this wounded ex soldier free admission to our matches. British Legion It was agreed to grant this Society the sum of £2.2.0 towards their children's Xmas treat. F. A. Minutes The F. A. minutes re Season Tickets & Signing on of Professionals & Ladies Football matches were read.