122 {Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Tuesday 25th October 1921.} Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair). Messrs H. Banks, W. C. Cuff, E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, Dr. J. C. Baxter & A. R. Wade. Messrs C. E. Dickinson & W. J. Sawyer on clubs business in Glasgow. Minutes The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee meetings held on 17th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v Oldham Athletic on the 22nd inst. were reported to be £789.14.5 gross. Tax £163.15.10. The 20% from Blackburn Rovers was £166.7.2 The Bank Balance was £9916.12.11 Dr. Trainers Report Trainer Elliott reported all players fit except Reid, Yarwood, Fazackerley, Smith & Peacock. Fazackerley The Secy's action in sending this player for dental treatment to Mr. W. Clothier was approved. Peacock The Doctor having reported that this player was run down and ordered him away to the seaside, it was decided he be sent to Blackpool. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Oldham Ath. 2-2, Oldham Ath. Res 3-1 & Garston G. W. 0-0. Report re Players ) Messrs cuff & Dickinson reported favorably Barrow v Lincoln City) on Chambers (I. L) & Atkin (R. B) of Lincoln city & suggested they be seen again. Page & Morris ) Mr. J. Fare reported very favorably on (Halesowen) ) Page (goalkeeper) & it was decided he watch him again next week & if satisfied to endeavour