112 Greenhalgh Mr. J. McGill reported very favorably (Leyland) on this player & it was decided he be seen again. League Minutes Secy. read the minutes of the Football League & was instructed to have notices posted in Referee's room as requested. Rate Assessment This question was left in the hands of Mr. W. J. Sawyer to take expert advice as to appeal for reduction. British Red Cross This Society were granted permission to make a collection on the ground on 15th inst. Caddick Secy.'s action in signing this player on at £3 per week was confirmed. Bolton Wanderers The question of arranging a match F. C. between A team of this club & ours was left in hands of Secy. Halesowen F. C. An application from this Club for a donation was allowed to lie on the table. R. P. Houghton This amateur player was granted permission to train on the ground. Produce Brokers) Permission was granted to Mr. B. Cup. Final )A. Simpson for this cup final to be played on our ground on a mid week date in April next - actual evening to be fixed later. Players to watch Messrs E. Green & W. C. Cuff & Secy. to proceed to Belfast to watch Dalrymple & Davey (C. F.s) with powers to deal if satisfactory & also with powers to negotiate for Savage or Curran (Backs). Brown C. F. Messrs W. J. Sawyer & J. Fare to watch (Sheldon) this player on Sat. next. Greenhalgh Messrs A. R. Wade & H. Banks to watch (Leyland) this player on Sat. next with powers to negotiate for his transfer if satisfied.