108 per week for 1st year & £6 per week afterwards with £10 signing on bonus, and the transfer fee to the Dunmurry F. C. to be £500. His action was confirmed. Irish League Secy. reported that S. Chedgzoy v Football League had been selected for this match, and it was agreed that the Chairman & Mr. C. E. Dickinson represent the club at the match. L'pool County F. A. A further letter was read from this F. A. asking for permission for the representatives of leagues on the Council be admitted to our matches. This was agreed to. Arnfield Testimonial A letter asking for a donation to this Fund was allowed to lie on the table. Huddersfield Town A letter was read from this club F. C. asking if we were prepared to part with S. Davies. Decided to reply in the negative. Pensioned Soldiers An Application on behalf of the Druids Cross Hospital for admission of their patients was left in hands of Secy. Children's Aid Socy. An application from this Society for the use of the ground for a ladies match was not entertained. Llandudno It was decided to play a Corinthians F. C. match with this club on our ground on 5th Oct. on half net gate terms. Brighton Motor A letter was read from this Coy. Coach Co. complaining re the deduction of £14.14.0 from their a/c and asking for re-consideration. It was agreed to pay them for the car fare only. Insurance A letter was read from the Ocean Accident Corporation Ld. offering to insure the wages from Bank to Office, but the matter was not entertained.