104 Robertson Messrs Sawyer & Fare reported that they (Kirkintilloch Rob Roy) had interviewed this player who however stated he was not prepared to leave Glasgow. McFarlin They also reported favorably on (Bellshill Ath.) this player & it was decided that Mr. J. Craig watch him again. Stockporty Cty. Mr. J. Fare reported having watched v a Lancs. Cup tie between these teams, but Rochdale as the game was a very poor one he could not report favorably on any of the players. Page Mr. Wade reported that in his opinion (Halesowen) this goalkeeper was not of the required standard for us. Hart Mr. J. Craig reported that this (Greenhead) player was not of the required standard for us at present. Collection An application for permission to make a collection on the ground for the Famine stricken children of Russia was refused. Rylands F. C. The Secy. reported that this club was now affiliated and it was agreed to accept Monday 26th inst. as date for match on their ground. L. Bowles An application for free admission of this blind person & his attendant to matches was not entertained. Worlds Service It was agreed to allow this Exhibition Exhibition to exhib. advertisement on our ground during matches similar to Olympia & Hippodrome. Central League It was decided to reccommend the v N. E. League following players for this match on 15th Oct. B. Howard Baker, W. Brown & J. Clennell.