100 Reports re Players Mr. Green reported favorably on Page (goalkeeper) of Halesowen & reccommended he be seen again. Messrs Sawyer & Dickinson reported favorably on Robertson (C. F.) of Kirkintilloch Rob Roy & reccommended he be seen again. Mr. J. Fare reported very favorably on Irvine (I. R.) of Dunmurry & strongly advised he is worth signing on. The Secy. reported that Jackson (I. L.) & Parkinson (C. F.) of Altrincham were hardly of the required standard for us, but reccommended that Nicholls (O. R.) of Nantwich be seen again. Mr. J. Fare also reported favorably on Binks (C. F.) & Cooke (I. R.) of Bp. Auckland & Curnow (R. B.) of Eston United. It was decided to have them watched again in 2 or 3 weeks time. Mr. J. Craig reported that Hart (H. B.) of Greenhead was a useful player & that he would have another look at him. Rylands Workmens A letter was read from this Club Club suggesting Monday Sept. 26th as date for proposed match. The Secy. however pointed out that as this club was not affiliated nothing could be done in the matter until their affiliation was an accomplished fact. Shareholders Tickets The Secy. reported that one or two shareholders had applied for permission for gentlemen to use their lady's ticket, but it was decided that such could not be granted. A. Holden Letter read from this Shareholder accepting Mr. A. R. Wade's offer for his 3 shares. Insurance of Gate Money The Secy. reported that he had arranged with the L'pool London & Globe Insurance Co. to insure gate money at premium of £7.