96 Practice match It was agreed to allocate these receipts receipts as follows:- net proceeds to Stanley Hospital £299.19.6. Hospital Saturday Fund £299.19.7 and the balance of £199.13.3 for Tax to be refunded to be allocated amongst other charities at next meeting. Insurance of The question of insuring the gate Gate Money money against robbery before being taken to Bank was agreed to and it was left in hands of Secy. to insure with one of the Companies from whom he would obtain quotation. Reports re Players Mr. J. Craig's reports were read & as he had reported very favorably on Robertson centre forward of Kirkintilloch Rob Roy it was decided that Messrs Sawyer & Dickinson watch the player on Saturday next. Southampton Players The Secy. reported that Mr. J. Fare had proceeded to Southampton to watch these players today. Tramwaymen An application from these men to be admitted in uniform to matches on our ground at half price was not agreed to. Players to watch It was agreed that the following players be watched on Sat. next. Mr. E. Green to proceed to Stourbridge to watch Page (goalkeeper) of Halesowen. Mr. J. Fare to watch Irvine (inside right) of Dunmurry. & Secy. to watch centre forward of Altrincham. Journey to B'gham Agreed to journey to B'gham on 17th inst. by 10 am. train ex Lime St. returning from New St. at 5.50 pm. A. Holden A letter was read from this Shareholder, asking his position as to transferring his