95 {Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Wednesday 7th September 1921.} Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 29th ult. & 1st & 3rd inst. & Finance Committee Meeting on the 29th ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The Secy. reported the following gate receipts :- v. M/c United Res. on 29th ult. gross £142.1.0 Tax £35.9.2. v. Wolves Res. on 3rd inst. gross £67.1.8 Tax £16.15.4. The 20% received from N'cle United was £308.0.11 and ½ gate from Marine £10.16.10. Dr. The Bank Balance was reported as £8991.13.5 Fazackerley It was reported that this player had not reported for training this week, and also that he had been warned to attend meeting but had not done so. Decided that he be instructed to attend the next meeting. Downs This player was granted permission to proceed to the seaside for special treatment. Reports of matches Reports were received of the matches v M/c United Res. 3-1 & N'cle United 3-2. 2-3 Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported the whole of the players fit except Downs, Crossley, Brewster, Stansfield & Smith. Safe & Strong Room Estimates were produced for building a strong room & providing & fixing a safe. Decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Finance Committee.