94 them to discuss the matter with our Directors at Manchester and it was suggested that we may consider exchanging Weller for their goalkeeper Steward. Confirmed Sept. 7/1921 A. Coffey Chairman. [Special Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on Saturday 3rd Septr. 1921.] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) Messrs H. Banks, C. E. Dickinson, E. Green, W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v M/c United 1-2 & Wolves Res. 2-2. Team Selections The following teams were selected. v M/c United Res. away 5/9/21 Salt Leddy Yarwood Brown Garrett Grenyer Jones Spencer Moffat Wall Alford Res. Fare. v N'cle United (h) 7/9/21 Fern Livingstone Macdonald Weller Fleetwood Peacock Chedgzoy Reid J. E. Blair Davies Harrison Confirmed Sept. 7 1921 A. Coffey Chairman