[Special Meeting of Directors held
at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on
Thursday 1st Sept. 1921.]
Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
Messrs H. Banks, W. C. Cuff, C. E. Dickinson, E. Green,
W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade.
Team Selections The Chairman reported that both
Crossley & Brewster & Downs were injured, and after
a report of the match at N'cle on 31st inst.
the following teams were selected.
v M/c United on 3rd inst.
Downs or Livingstone Macdonald
Brown Fleetwood Peacock
Chedgzoy Fazackerley Davies Clennell Harrison
v Wolves Res. on 3rd inst.
Livingstone or Fare Yarwood
Weller Leddy Grenyer
Jones Reid J. E. Blair Wall Alford.
Directors to M/c. Messrs Green, Banks, Dickinson & Sawyer
were appointed to go to M/c together with
H. Makepeace.
Players to watch Secy. was instructed to watch the
Stockport County v Barrow match at Stockport
on 3rd inst. & Mr. J. Fare to watch Binks (C.F.)
& Nattrass (R.H.B.) of Bp. Auckland on same date.
M/c United Secy. reported having had a telephonic
communication from this club asking if we
were prepared to transfer either Fleetwood
or Grenyer, & he was instructed to write asking