Hospital Patients It was agreed to allow the David
Lewis Northern Hospital 4 tickets for admission
to our matches.
Wedding Present The Secy. was instructed to apply to
the Football League for permission to give G.
Brewster a wedding present in kind up to
the value of £20.
Bill Exhibitors It was decided to grant these
people 12 passes per week for our matches.
Green Lane Ground It was agreed to pay 3/6 to the
Green Lane groundsman each time he marked
the ground out for our A team.
Rangers F.C. A letter was read from this Club
asking if we could play them on 4th Jany.
but it was decided this could not be
agreed to, but to suggest that we might
play them in October.
Accrington Stanley An application from this Club for
friendly fixture with our A team was read
& it was decided to ask for guarantee of
£20 or half net gate over £40.
Safe An estimate from Messrs Milner for
a safe was presented, but it was decided
to ask for a quotation for a larger one
& a strong room suggested to be built
in the Counting House.
J. Whitfield An application from this man who
is a cripple for permission to be admitted
through the paddock was agreed to subject
to his paying for admission for his attendant.
Office Hours It was decided that the office
hours be from 9.15 am to 5.30 pm
Dr Dunn This gentleman was granted permission
to use his season ticket for Directors Box.