89 v Wolverhampton Wdrs. Res. away 27th inst. B. Howard Baker Livingstone Yarwood Fleetwood Leddy Grenyer Jones, Reid, J. E. Blair, Clennell, Alford Res. Wall. v Marine away 27th inst. Salt Caddick Fare Garrett Leary Young Russell, Spencer, Moffat, Young, Eatock Res. McGrae. The team v M/c United on 29th inst. to be same as against Wolves providing there are no injuries. Notice to The question of publishing a notice Players requesting that players would not take friends with them on away journeys was left in the hands of Mr. W. C. Cuff & Secy. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Monday 29th inst. after match v M/c United Res. J. Houghton It was agreed to issue this man & his son with complimentary season tickets. Confirmed Aug. 29th 1921 A. Coffey Chairman