88 H. S. Jones Permission was granted for this gentleman to sit in Press Box during matches in order to enable him to assist with first aid in dressing room in case of accidents. H. Makepeace The agreement with this coach was perused & approved - wages £6 per week from 31st Augt. 1921 to 6th May 1922. Report re Player Mr. J. Craig's report on Scottish Junior players was received. J. E. Blair Secy. reported a verbal application by Mr. Ashworth on behalf of the L'pool F.C. for services of this player - Same was declined. Players signed The following players having played trials were interviewed by the Board & action taken as follows. G. T. Russell signed on as professional at £5 per week with £10 signing on bonus J. Boyd, J. Peden, A. Young & T. Eatock to have further trials the 2 former against M/c United Res. on 29th inst. & the 2 latter against Marine on 27th. Directors Box The following gentlemen were granted season tickets for Directors Box vz. E. A. Morton, T. Wailes & B. Howard Baker (2). Team Selections The following teams were selected. v M/c United at home 27th inst. Fern Downs Macdonald Brown Brewster Peacock Chedgzoy Fazackerley Davies Crossley Harrison Res. Weller over