86 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Monday 22nd August 1921.] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) Mr. H. Banks Mr. W. C. Cuff " E. Green " W. J. Sawyer Mr. A. R. Wade. Minutes The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee Meetings held on the 16th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £10,476.19.0 Dr Medical Stores The Secy. produced Messrs Bains & Co's estimate for these stores. It was decided to recommend the stores Committee to accept the tender of Messrs Ayrton, Saunders & Co. It was also agreed that the stores be kept in the office & handed out to the trainers when required. A. Milward Letter read from this gentleman stating that outside left could not play in practice match. It was agreed to ask where the players were likely to be playing in the near future with a view to having them watched. A team fixture In view of the fact that the Green v Frodsham Ath. Lane Ground was not available on 10th prox. it was agreed to play same at Goodison Park immediately after match v Birmingham. City Caterers An application from this firm for permission to make certain alterations to their refreshment stands was approved