87 Brown, Leiveseley, Glasgow Man or O. Williams G. W. Jones Robinson Mayson Rigsby Evans. Reserves:- W. Robinson, W. Jones, Howarth & McQuarrie. Director to Mr. Clayton Sunderland (Mr. H. Banks) Director on Gate Mr. J. G. Davies Director to Falkirk Mr. A. Coffey, Mr. E. Green. Next Meeting Resolved that the next meeting be held at the ground on Tuesday next at 7:0 p.m. Ground Matters regarding seating &c. on the Bullens Road Stand &c. were raised & discussed. Resolved that 3 additional Commissionaires be engaged for the above portion of Stand & the Goal Decker to obviate overcrowding. Also that turnstile No. 2 be made into a 1/0 gate instead of 6d as at present. Arsenal F.C. The Secretary was instructed to send a reminder to the Arsenal F.C. re the amount due to this Club. Players It was decided not to pay Lawson more than £1 per week, & the same amount be offered to E. Matthews, the question of Stott's terms to be dealt with by the Directors at the Home Match on Saturday. Makepeace The Chairman raised the question of the engagement of H. Makepeace as Clerk & the Secretary was requested to place the subject on the agenda for Next Meeting. Mr. Banks was authorised to accept the lowest Tender for Plumbing in the Directors Billiard Room to ensure a proper flow of water from the Cistern. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 30/9/1919