81 Fern Page Evans Brown Weller Williams G. W. Jones Robinson Howarth Clennel Evans Reserves:- McQuarrie M. Jones. Directors to Birmingham:- Messrs Banks, Green & Halsall, also Chairman. Director on Gate Mr. R. T. Francis. Team v The team to play the Northern Nomads @ Goodison Nomads Park on the 17th inst was selected as follows:- Lawson Berwick Evans Williams Leivesley M. Jones G. W. Jones McQuarrie McGrae Gray & J. Evans. West Ham F.C. Resolved that the application of West Ham F.C. for the temporary use of Chedgzoy's services be refused. Benefit Match Letter was read from Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe asking for consent to A Grenyer playing in Benefit Match at Burnley on the 22nd inst, and the same was agreed to. Oldham F.C. Resolved that Oldham Athletic F.C. be informed that we are prepared to transfer R. Stewart for the sum of £70.- Players Mr. E. Green submitted the request of the players Billiard for a Donation to their Billiard Fund, & consent to Handicaps &c. the use of the Board & Directors Billiard Room for special Social functions during the Season. Resolved that a Grant of £5.5.0 be made & they be allowed the use of the Rooms as heretofore. F.A. The Chairman reported his interview with Mr. F. J. Wall re matters affecting this Club, particularly as to the matter of the payment of 18 players in Dec. 1918 & stated that in the event of a Commission being appointed, it would go into all details for itself, and not be prejudiced against this Club.-