
				[At a Meeting of Directors held at the
				Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on the
				11th February 1919]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			A. Coffey Esq. 		J. G. Davies Esq.
			John Davies Esq.	R. T. Francis Esq.
					H. Halsall Esq.

			The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Banks
		intimating the inability of Mr. H. Banks attending the
		Meeting owing to illness, & he was desired to convey the
		sympathy of the Board to Mr. Banks.
			The Minutes of the proceeding at a Meeting held
		on the 4th inst. were read & confirmed.
			The Minutes of the Finance Committee at a
		Meeting held on the 4th inst. were also read, approved,
		& adopted.

Reports			The Chairman reported on the Match at Hanley
		the result being 1-0 for this Club.
			Messrs J. G. Davies & R. T. Francis reported re
		the Home Match, 2-1 for the Reserve & criticised the
		play of the men on trial, Pearson being the most promising.
			The Gross Gate on Saturday last was reported
		to be £1-19-10, &  Cheques were ordered to be
		signed as follows:- Customs Entert. Tax  £0.9.11
				Secretary Wages &c.	 60.0. 0
		South Liverpool F.C. Ltd. Donation re}	 25.0. 0 
					 O. Williams }
			The Bank Balance was declared to
		be £3,897.15.3 Dr.

Team			Resolved that the teams for Saturday
selections 	be selected as follows:-
		v port Vale @ Home :- Mitchell
				Smith	Robinson
			Fleetwood   Wareing   Grenyer
		Kirsopp Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie
		Reserve:- Thompson  Page & Rigsby, Kelly & Hepworth.