78 'Post & Mercury' The Chairman reported that he had had a further interview with Mr. Jeans of the "L'pl. Daily Post & Mercury" & nothing in future would be published re this Club without being carefully edited.- 'Northern Ordered that matches be arranged as follows:- Nomads' F.C. With Northern Nomads at Goddision Park, 17th September Half Gate terms. v "Marine" @ Waterloo, 20th September. Typewriter The typewriter in use being very defective, it was Resolved. That the Secretary be authorised to purchase a new machine at £30 less £7 allowance for the Old Typewriter. J. McGrae The engagement of Mr. MacGrae, centre forward, at a retainer of £1 per week was confirmed. T. Lawson the Goal Keeper to be offered £1.0.0 per week, with a limit of £1.10.0, the Board to be consulted before the latter figure is arranged.- Advertisements The Secretary was instructed to insert all advertisements direct, & to arrange for matches to be advertised two days prior to the date of playing. Next Meeting It was agreed to held the Next Meeting on Monday next, after the Bradford Match.- Transfers Transfers of Shares were approved & passed as follows: Wm. Glass to Rd. Johnson Jnr. 633 to 635 3 Shares Thos. Barr to Richd. Ed Searle 914 to 916 3 do Alfd. Fowler to Henry Jos. Shimmison 1845 to 1847 3 do Chas. W. Bullock to Geo Meadows 1558 to 1560 3 do Jeanie Garner to Chas. F. Gregger 2312 (1 F.pd.) 789-1pty pd. Share George Imrie to Jesmine Wallace 2260 1-" - 748 1 do W. J. Williams to Archie Sides 1627 to 1629 3 Share Arthur J. Hurt to Thos. B. Tickle 593 to 595 3 do Daniel Taylor to John C. Large 1301 to 303 3 do Benjn J. Kelly to John S. Guthrie 418 1 do Arthur J. do to do 1061 1 do Ethel C. do to do 1502 1 do Chas. Oddy to Fredk. W. Tomlinson 1695 1 do Gerald E Kelly to do 1059 1 do Mabel F. do to do 1501 1 do Florence Green to Walter Cure 1993 to 1994 2 do Alfd. J. Branwood to Fredk. Phoenix 1794 to 1796 3 do do to Fredk. J. Lake 1791 to 1793 3 do Free tickets A list of previous year's free admission was submitted, & the Secretary authorised to issue Complimentary tickets in accordance with the list as amended. Advertisement Resolved that the "Empire" Hippodrome & Olympia Theatres Boards be permitted to send round their Boards, with advertisements, on the ground at Half time, Provided they screen our matches. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 8/9/1919