73 Staff The list of the pre war & present staff, with their respective rates of pay, having been submitted the question of increases was considered, & it was Resolved that the wages payable be as follows:- John Elliott trainer £4.10.0 per week H. E. Cooke Asst. do 3.10.0 " W. Weston Groundsman 4.0.0 " Jos. Smith Asst. do 3.5.0 " E. Storey Gate Supervisor 10.0 " H. Barker Clerk 12.6 " Mrs. Roberts cleaner 1.0.0 " Wm. Fennah the present assistant groundsman to be discharged. Also if Jos. Smith declines to accept £3.5.0 as stated above, E. Storey be engaged at £3.0.0 per week. Social Resolved that a Dinner be given to the players, to be followed by a social evening, the programme to be arranged by Mr. Beattie as usual. The event to take place on Tuesday next, the 26th inst & all signed players to be invited. The chairman to address the gathering in regard to the coming season. All details to be left to the officials. Other Clubs The application of Manchester city & players Stoke for permission for their players Howard & L. Page to train at Goodison Park were declined & the secretary instructed to explain the Board's news on the matter of players living away. Army F.A. Ordered that a reply be sent to the Army Football Association that we are willing to play them a match against the Army away on a weekday other than a Saturday. L'pl Union of Resolved that a Donation on £10 be Boys Clubs given to the Union of Boys Clubs out of the general funds of the clubs.