71 Football ) Referring to the Minute of 29th July last re Association) the Football Association request regarding the players engaged in the match versus Liverpool on the 26th Dec. 1918, Mr. Wall's reply to our communica- tion was read. Resolved that the Chairman interview Mr. Wall on the subject when next he is in London. Private practice Ordered that a Private Practice Match Match be played on Wednesday evening, 20th inst. Season The tender of Messrs C. Tinling & Co. Ltd. for tickets 2050 Season tickets, numbered in accordance with the wishes of the Entertainment Tax officials, at an approximate cost of £89.10.0, was submitted, & the Secretary was instructed to give them the order but at the same time express the Board's surprise at the large increase in the Price of the tickets. Ground ) Resolved that the estimate furnished by Painting) Mr. Wm. Clarkson of Everton Rd. for painting the new fencings, Referee's room & trainer's compartment at a cost of £15.7.6, be accepted. Also that Messrs J. Braham Ltd. be given the order for the wire work for the Stand on Goodison Road, at £18.10.0, & the wire guards for the 10 turnstiles 1 to 8 & 31 & 32, at 12/6 each. L'pool Union of) Resolved that a Donation of £10 be made Boys' Clubs )to the funds of the Liverpool Union of Boy's Clubs. Transfer The following transfers of Shares were approved:- Alfd. John Branwood to Andrew Coffey 1 original Share 2238 Thos. Taylor & another to Thos. Cherry 5 Shares 4 ptly. pd. 1320/23 1 orgl. 2358 Thomas Cherry to Thomas Taylor 3 Shares ptly. pd. 1321/23 Chas. Oddy to Joseph Townsend) 1 share fully pd. 2422 ) 1 do ptly. pd. 548 Wm. H. Langshaw to Hilda May Clayton 3 do do 723/25 Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 19/8/1919