3 at Goodison Park had proved abortive, but a further attempt would be made on the 15th inst. Anonymous The Chairman read a letter received by Letter him from an anonymous correspondent re some person appropriating Transfer gate money at the Oldham Athletic Match. Resolved that the further consideration of this matter be deferred until next Meeting. Gateman Mr. C. Nangle, a Gateman, having written C. Nangle a letter complaining of the nuisance caused by Spectators above his turnstile No. 31, & the damage caused to his attire. Ordered that Notices threatening prosec- ution for committing a nuisance & betting be Obtained & posted up. J. Miller Resolved that the action of the Chairman in giving instructions for J. Miller to come to Liver -pool at once for treatment be & is confirmed, & that the player on arrival be sent to Dr. Broad for full examination & report. L'pool Schools F.A. Resolved that the Liverpool Schools' F.A. be granted the use of Goodison Park on the 1st March next for their 3rd round v Lancaster & that a Reserve fixture be arranged away on that date. Hospital Cup Resolved that the Hospital Football Cup Comee. Competition be allowed to use the Club's Ground on the 26th February for their fixture. Next Meeting Ordered that the next Meeting of the Board be held at the Bradford Hotel on the 11th instant at 3.15 pm. Confirmed. W. R. Clayton. Chairman, 11/2/1919.