Players It was reported that J. Donnachie had signed on
at £9 per week, the total wages payable for the Season
now being £7.361.5.0.
The interview between Mr. J. G. Davies & the Secretary
& Robt. Parker was reported, when he was informed
that the Club would be prepared to re-sign him on
demobilisation. The Chairman also stated that he
had had a visit from Mr. Bower the C.O. of the Frodsham
Hospital re Parker. It was agreed that the
whole matter regarding this Player be left to the
Staff Joseph Smith, Assistant Groundsman, having
returned from the Army, desired to resume duty after a
short holiday.
Resolved that he be re-engaged when
ready, his wages to be £3 per week.
The question of the remuneration of the Staff was brought
forward by the Chairman who suggested that the men
receive 50% increase on their pre-war rates. He
furthermore intimated that H. Cooke, Asst. Trainer
had started work again at the agreed amount of £3/10/0
per week.
Resolved that the consideration of the
Staff Wages be deferred until Next Meeting
in order that the Secretary may produce a list
of the amounts paid prior to the War.
Secretary Resolved that an Honorarium of £75 be
paid to Mr. W. J. Sawyer for services rendered,
the amount to cover personal expenses incurred,
with thanks for his past efforts.
Property A letter was read from Dr. E. Molyneux of
Goodison Park) Southport, dated 1st inst. agreeing to sell the 28
Avenue ) Houses in Goodison Avenue for £11,600.
Ordered that the matter be left in abeyance
pending information being ascertained as to the
Gross Rentals received for the Property.