Ordered that the draft reply be approved
& duly forwarded to the Association.
Goodison Resolved that Bay "F" be set aside on
Stand the Goodison Rd. Stand for spectators at 3/6 each
instead of Bay "D" as originally decided.
Also that the North end of the Bullens Rd.
Stand be used for wounded soldiers.
Staff It was reported that many applications
had been received in response to the advertisement
for an Assistant Trainer, & as information had
been elicited respecting other Clubs payments for
similar positions, it was resolved to leave the
matter over for the Chairman's investigation.
The question of the Trainer & Groundsman's
wages was also deferred.
Ground The tenders of Mr. W. Clarkson & Messrs Haugh
improvements & Pilling for the alterations to Players Billiard Room &c.
at an estimated cost of £114 & £139 respectively
were considered.
Resolved that the tender of Mr. Clarkson be
accepted, but that Mr. Banks arrange a time
limit for the work.
Mr. Banks reported that the tiling of the
Players bathroom had been completed, but the
finish was not in his opinion satisfactory & he
had requested Messrs Stubbs & Sons to remedy same.
Estimates for the Parging of the Boiler were
submitted, but that of Messrs Jos. Braham Ltd. had
not yet been received.
Ordered that we await receipt of Messrs
Braham's estimate & if it be reasonable, they be
given the contract.
J. Clennell Jos. Clennell having applied for permission
to reside in Blackpool, the Secretary was instructed
to inform him that the Board expect their players