66 [At a Meeting of the Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool, on the 29th July 1919] Present :- W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair) H. Banks Esq. John Davies Esq. Dr. J. C. Baxter J. G. Davies Esq. A. Coffey Esq. R. T. Francis Esq. The minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting held on the 15th instant were read & confirmed. Press Comments Referring to the Minute of last Meeting re the Press Comments in the matter of an alleged fine by the League the Chairman reported his further action in the matter & intimated that the Solicitor's costs had been paid by the Newspaper Proprietor. He had now the case of the "Lancashire Post" in hand & suggested they should be asked to pay £25 to the Football War Fund. Resolved that this suggestion be approved. Gatemen The interview between the Deputation of the Gatemen & the Secretaries of the two local Clubs was reported, & the scale of remuneration suggested by the men given. The Board still consider that the amount paid is reasonable for the services rendered, but agree to leave the matter in the hands of the Chairman & Secretary. Fort The Chairman referred to the split between the League & the Southern League, & suggested that steps might now be taken to secure J. Fort. Ordered that the Player be interviewed without delay. Football Assocn. A Letter was read from the Football Assocn. asking for an explanation of the alleged irregularity of paying 18 Players on the 26th December last, some of whom did not play & the Chairman submitted draft of a letter to be sent in reply thereto.