64 Programme for next Season on similar terms to last Season, viz:- 33 1/3 % to each of the three parties. Resolved that the same be accepted provided that the Programme is on much better lines, & more interesting than in the past. Practice Ordered that Public Practice matches matches take place on the 16th and 25th days of August. Commissionaires The Corps. of commissionaires having offered to supply men as attendants at 4/6 per half day plus fares. It was decided that 4 commissionaires be engaged for first team matches next Season. Ground &c. Mr. W. Clarkson of Mill Road submitted improvements an approximate tender to make 4 windows in brick panels of Goodison Rd. Stand to light the Players Billiard Room & passage, &c., painting the Room & fixing new seat therein, & making Urinal. Resolved that two more estimates be obtained from other firms, & if they are in excess of Mr. Clarkson's tender, & he will undertake to complete the whole work for £137, the grounds Committee be authorised to accept same. Resolved that the tender of Mr. W. Clarkson for painting Players Bath Rooms &c., at a cost of £38.17.6 be accepted. Mr. Banks was authorised to make the proposed alterations in the Home Team's Dressing Rooms to obviate the passage of steam from bath room he to have the work done by our own Joiner. Resolved that the Joiner also make a Coke Store at the end of the passage, next to the Visitors Rooms, & that the matter of Parging the Boiler & connecting pipes be deferred pending an amendment of Mr. F. Bramham's estimate.