
			Manchester City 20% 	  £184.4.1
			Wages & Expenses	    85.0.0
			L'pool & Dist. Fund for
			Blinded Soldiers & Sailors  17.3.3

Bank &		The Bank & Cash Balances were declared to
Cash Blces.	be as follows:- General a/c     Dr.  £3,299. 0.8
				Footballs Fund  Cr.      10. 5.1
				Dividend a/c	Cr.       6.16.0
				Cash in Office		  9. 6.2

J. Clennell		Resolved that the Railway fare of Jno.
		Clennell be paid both ways, to enable him to
		play on Saturday, but the Board would prefer
		his remaining in Liverpool until after Saturday

Team			The following teams were selected for
selection	this week :-
		v Port Vale, away :-	Mitchell
				Smith		Robinson
			Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Kirsopp    Jefferis    Gault    Clennell    Donnachie
		Reserve:- Thompson, Page & Rigsby.
		v. Harrowby at Home :-
				Berwick		Pearson
			O. Williams	Hepworth	Higgins
		G. W. Jones   McQuarrie   Roberts   Matthews   Evans
		Reserves:- all other players  who took part in
		lats Saturday's game.

Directors on Gate Messrs J. G. Davies & R. T. Francis.
   do to Hanley	Messrs John Davies H. Banks & the Chairman.

W. Weston		Resolved that the Wages of William
		Weston, Groundsman, be increased from £2.10.0
		to £3 per week from the 27th ultimo.

Gambling		Mr. J. G. Davies reported that the recent
		police raid on the Gambling fraternity practising