60 Season The Chairman reported the interview with Mr. Tickets McKenna of Liverpool on matters affecting the two Clubs, when it was provisionally agreed that no Ground season tickets be issued, but tickets for the Stands only, the charges for same to be. 35/- for Gentleman & 17/6 for Ladies & Boys, both amounts being inclusive of Tax also that prices of admission for Stand accommodation be 2/0 & 3/6. Resolved that the arrangement made be approved & confirmed, the 2/0 admission to apply to the Paddock & ends of Bullens Rd. Stand, South double Decker & the Goodison Rd. Stand, except Bay "D" which shall be 3/6, the same charge to be made for the members, Stand in Bullens Road. Also that the present prices for shareholders tickets remain enforced. Ordered that subject to Liverpool F.C.'s acquiescence, the Gatemen continue to be paid 6/- & 4/- for League & Reserve team matches respectively & that the cost of a Commissionaire for the Press entrance be ascertained & reported at next meetings. Next Meeting Resolved that the next meeting be held at the Offices of the Co. on Tuesday, 15th July, at 7.30 pm. Captain & Resolved that Wm. Wareing be appointed Sub-Captain Captain at the 1st team, & T. Fleetwood, Sub Captain, the officers for the 2nd team to be dealt with later. That the dates of Practice Matches be deferred pending a conference between the Chair- man & Secretary representing this Club & Messrs W. R. Williams & R. L. Martindale of Liverpool, which has been convened for Friday evening. Players The Secretary reported that his visit to Glasgow was unsuccessful, McMally of the St. Antony's Club, on the form displayed, not being the class of