
		meeting & partake of Tea.

"Smoker"		The matter of Refreshments for the Shareholders
		attending the Smoking Concert, after the business of the
		General Meeting was discussed, & Dr. Baxter under
		-took to see Mr. Feeney of Threlfalls Brewery Limited
		with a view of supplying the necessary liquor.
			Ordered that the action of the Chairman in
		engaging the "Follies" under the direction of the Mr. Beattie
		to give the Entertainment be approved.

Central League		Resolved that the list of players on transfer
		for the Central League be approved as follows:-
			S. Challoner	£25.
			J. H. Gault	500
			John Houston	250
			T. A. Nuttall	 50
			R. H. Simpson	 50
			Wm. Stalker	 25

Insurance		In accordance with the recommendation of the
against Fire)	Auditor of the Co. & the Bank Manager, it was
			Resolved that the Insurance of the Club's
		property at Goodison Park be increased to £50,000
		& the Secretary be instructed to arrange the matter
		without delay.
Painting		An estimate having been submitted by Mr. Wm.
Turnstiles &c.	Clarkson of 3 Mile Road, Anfield, to clean & paint
		all turnstiles, crush barriers & iron railings, at a
		cost of £114.15.6, & no other firm having tendered.
			Ordered that the tender of Mr. W. Clarkson
		be accepted, the work to be completed to the satisfaction
		of the Grounds Committee.
Chimneys		Resolved that Mr. H. Banks be & is authorised
		to obtain expert advice respecting the smoky Chimneys of
		the Office & Board Room, & that the Secretary interview Mr.
		W. Crompton of David Allens Billposting Ltd. re the condition
		of the Billposting Hoarding.
						Confirmed	W. R. Clayton
							Chairman 1st July 1919