
				[At a Meeting of Directors held
				at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool
				on the 4th February 1919]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			H. Banks Esq.		J. G. Davies Esq.
			A. Coffey Esq.		R. T. Francis Esq.
			John Davies Esq.	H. Halsall Esq.

			The Minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting
		held on the 28th January each were read & confirmed.
			The Minutes of the Finance committee at a
		Meeting held on the 28th ultimo  were also read
		& confirmed.

Reports			The result of the match at Home on Saturday
		was reported to be 3-0 for this Club.
			Messrs Halsall  & Francis reported re the
		Reserve team match at Dingle Park, a loss of 2-0.
			Mr. J. G. Davies reported that he had inspected
		the Minutes books &  found that they were all
		correct, covering the period prior to the formation of
		the Limited Company to date.

Finance			The Gross Receipts of the matches at Manchester
		on the 25th January last were reported to be £834.12.9
		& the Expenses there out £236.0.2, leaving the net
		sum £598.12.7, the 20%  proportion this Club's share
		being £119.14.6, Cheque for which had been received
		& paid to Bank.
			The receipts on Saturday last were reported
		to be  £1260.11.1, Expenses £306.2.6 net Gate
		£954.8.7, League proportion £33.8.1 & amount
		20% Manchester City F.C. share £184.4.1.
			Ordered that Cheques be signed as follows:-
			H. M.'s Customs, Entertainment Tax £275.8.2
			League		3½ percentage	     33.8.1