54 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool, on the 18th June 1919.] Present:- W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair) H. Banks Esq. John Davies Esq. Dr. Baxter J. G. Davies Esq. A. Coffey Esq. H. Halsall Esq. The Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting held on the 4th instant were read & confirmed. Reports The Chairman referred to the news in a local paper relating to the findings of the League Commission re the Blackpool visit, & match at Anfield on Boxing Day, & no communication having been received from the League as to these cases, he had instructed the Secretary to write for T. Charnley asking for an explanation. The Chairman also reported upon the Annual meeting of the Central League which was held at Bolton whereat he withdrew his name as a candidate for the Management Committee. He further reported that the fixtures for 1919-20 had been made, & in the case of Preston N. E., the whole of the Gates, League & Central League were to be pooled & divided, which was approved. The minimum Admission to the Matches of that Combination had been fixed at 8d (inclusive of tax). Representative The Chairman having submitted the request to F.A. of the Football Association for the nomination of a Representative for Division 3 in accordance with Rule. Resolved that Dr. James Clements Baxter be & is nominated by this Club as representative & the Chairman & Secretary are authorised to sign the nomination form accordingly. Annual Resolved that the Directors meet at Reece's Cafe, Meeting Castle St. Liverpool, at 6.30pm. prior to the Annual