49 week, that Peacock be offered not more than £4.10.0 per week. Also that Gault, Clennell & Miller be informed that we are prepared to offer them the maximum wages payable & the Directors will be present on Saturday to sign them on. That Chedgzoy be requested to meet the Chairman & Secretary in London on Monday next at 9.30 a.m. Resolved that the amount claimed by Fleetwood for loss of wages for alleged injury sustained in playing football be not paid. Painting a/c &c. Ordered that Cheques be signed as follows Wm. Clarkson, Painting Offices &c. £246. 5. 6 Secretary wages &c. 70. 0. 0 Tiling Bath Tenders for tiling the Home Team's Bath Room Room having been submitted. Resolved that the tender of Messrs J. Stubbs & Co. of Liverpool for £94.8.6 be accepted, & that they be requested to rack the joints to receive the cement when doing the work. Painting The only tender received for painting the turnstiles & crush barriers being from Mr. Wm. Clarkson at £114.15.6. Ordered that the consideration of the matter be deferred pending receipt of further estimates from two or three other firms. Boiler Mr H. Banks reported his inspection of the heating apparatus at Sheffield, the success of same & the ample supply of hot water at little cost, being attributable to the Parging of the Pipes of the Boiler. He was desired to ascertain if something similar could not be done to this Club's Boiler con- -nections & to furnish particulars of the cost thereof. C.