47 Balfour Institute informed that we cannot see our way to give them Club financial assistance. T. A. Nuttall That T. A. Nuttall's application for a free transfer be refused. That Messrs F. & J. Smith of Glasgow be informed that the Directors do not propose to let Advertisements inside the ground. Players It was reported that Players signed since last meeting were:- J. Evans, G. W. Jones, M. Jones, W. Rigsby & Owen Williams. Also that J. S. Maconnachie had refused the sum of £8 for the playing Season. Ordered that he be offered the sum of £9 per week for the playing Season, Also that Berwick be signed this week if possible. Resolved that signing fees be authorised as follows:- H. Rigsby £10. G. W. Jones 5 J. Evans 5 That J. Peacock be left over until Monday & the cases of Kelly, McQuarrie & Thompson be deferred. Transfers Resolved that the following transfers of Shares be approved & Confirmed:- Margt. Mary Trafford to Jas. Ths. Domille 3 Share partly paid No 383 to 385 Henry Goulbourne to Wm. Ths. Heaton 3 - do. - 1395/97 John Howson to Wm. Cummard 3 - do. - 1469/71 Next Meeting Ordered that the next meeting be held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool, on Monday next, 26th inst., at 6.30 pm. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 26/5/1919.